Agritechnica 2025 Touch Smart Efficiency


Agritechnica 2025: Touch Smart Efficiency – World’s leading trade fair for agricultural machinery with new themes and formats

9 to 15 November 2025 in Hanover, Germany – Leading theme ‘Touch Smart Efficiency’ – Systems & Components: Meeting place for the supplier industry – New: Theme days for visitors – New: Digital Farm Center – presented by FarmRobotix – International Farmers Day: Focus on Canada, the Czech Republic and France – Exhibitor stand registrations from 18 November 2024 –

‘Touch Smart Efficiency’, the guiding theme of Agritechnica 2025, emphasizes the importance of the direct access to innovative, networked agricultural systems that use digital technologies to improve efficiency, sustainability and productivity. Taking place in Hanover, Germany, 9-15 November 2025, Agritechnica, the world’s leading trade fair for agricultural machinery, will kick off with its new themed day concept that is coupled with the technical program. With the slogan ‘7 days – 7 themes’, Agritechnica aims to tailor its offering to particular target groups with themed trade fair days. A first at Agritechnica, DLG’s FarmRobotix platform will be held within the new ‘Digital Farm Centre’. The FarmRobotix feature will provide information on the latest developments in robotics, AI, automation and precision farming. As part of Agritechnica, the Systems & Components event will present solutions and developments from the international supplier industry for the agricultural machinery and off-highway sector. The International Farmers Day will focus on the agricultural nations of Canada, France and the Czech Republic. Stand registrations will commence on 18 November 2024. Agritechnica is organised by the DLG (German Agricultural Society).

Agritechnica is the world’s leading trade fair for agricultural machinery. All globally operating agricultural technology and equipment companies are represented at the meeting place for decision-makers and the leading business marketplace. The seven-day event offers the most comprehensive and diverse trade fair programme for international arable and crop farming – from crop protection sprayers to drones, from tractors to autonomous implement systems, from combine harvesters to digital assistance systems – and is a forum for the future issues of crop production. 2,776 international exhibitors took part at the last edition of Agritechnica in 2023. Setting a new record with more than 470,000 trade visitors from 149 countries, the last Agritechnica attracted agricultural professionals, including contractors, machinery rings, agribusiness and machinery dealers from all over the worlld.

Agritechnica with theme days
Agritechnica’s new theme days are aimed at specific visitor groups reflected in the new slogan ‘7 days – 7 themes’. Each day is devoted to focus areas that help ensure that trade fair visitors from all over the world find the topics, exhibition offerings and contacts that are relevant to them. The aim is to promote targeted exchange between visitors and exhibitors and enable even more efficient planning of the trade fair visit.

More nformation: Agritechnica theme days

Guiding theme ‘Touch Smart Efficiency’
In order to remain future-proofed, agriculture must act even more sustainably and continue to conserve natural resources. Efficiency plays a central role in this goal. Digital technologies such as sensors, drones and AI can provide more precise information that optimizes sowing, irrigation, fertilisation and crop protection. Maintaining productivity while reducing the use of resources can result. Under its guiding theme ‘Touch Smart Efficiency’, Agritechnica 2025 gives visitors direct access to innovative, networked agricultural systems that use digital technologies to maintain productivity and enhance efficiency and sustainability – hands-on, interactive and tangible.

FarmRobotix celebrates premiere with Digital Farm Centre
The DLG platform FarmRobotix will be represented at Agritechnica 2025 for the first time at the new “Digital Farm Centre” area. The international FarmRobotix platform will present trends and innovations in robotics, AI, automation as well as precision and smart farming in crop production. Aimed at farmers, manufacturers, start-ups and technology providers, the ‘Digital Farm Centre – presented by FarmRobotix’ offers representatives from science and research as well as development engineers and investors the opportunity to network, exchange know-how and explore innovative technologies.

The ideal complement: Systems & Components
Systems & Components – the B2B marketplace for the international supplier industry of agricultural machinery and the off-highway sector – takes place in parallel with Agritechnica. Under the guiding theme of ‘Touch Smart Efficiency’, engineers, developers, researchers, procurement managers, dealers, spare parts managers, OEMs and associations gather at the Systems & Components event to explore the latest developments and innovations in the field of components for agricultural machinery and related sectors. ‘Environment and Safety’, ‘Innovative Drive Technologies’, ‘Networking and Automation’ and ‘Digital Services’ are topics that will feature at the event.